湖北胜则全国胜 If Wuhan wins, but the worst of times reveals the best in people. ,报之以琼瑶, anti-hypoxemia medication,产业基础雄厚 China’s economy enjoys strong resilience,若为兰草,与子同室, and targeted measures in epidemic prevention and control 12.科学战“疫” science-based approach in fighting the epidemic 13.生命安全和生物安全领域的重大科技成果是国之重器, multi-level targeted approach to epidemic prevention and control 58.分区严格隔离 strict quarantine 59.公开、透明、负责任态度 an open,(援助日本。
and it is our duty to bring it under control. 或 Go where there is epidemic。
兄弟犹如手足亲, distribution, high-risk regions 271.抵制任何与病毒相关的污名 to reject any stigma associated with the virus 272.妨害国境卫生检疫罪 crime of jeopardizing border quarantine security 273.非疫情防控重点地区 non-key regions; regions that are not critical in the epidemic prevention and control effort 274.拐点 turning point 275.国际关注的突发公共卫生事件 public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) 276.果子狸 masked palm civet 277.过滤性能 filtering performance 278.海鲜市场 seafood market 279.獾 badger 280.活体农贸市场 live animal market 281.基层防控能力 capacity for prevention and control at the community level 282.境外进京人员 travelers arriving in Beijing from overseas 283.抗击疫情第一线 the front line of the battle against the epidemic 284.口罩产能 mask production capacity 285.跨境采购 cross-border procurement 286.没有硝烟的战争 a war without smoke 287.默哀三分钟 to observe three minutes of silence to mourn the deceased 288.全国哀悼日 a national day of mourning 289.全国和驻外使领馆下半旗致哀 National flags flew at half-mast /National flags were flown at half-staff across the country and in all Chinese embassies and consulates abroad. 290.全国居民消费价格指数 CPI (consumer price index) 291.人均可支配收入 per capita disposable income 292.社保制度 social insurance system; social security system 293.湿货市场 wet market 294.实时发布 real-time updates 295.突发公共卫生事件 public health emergency 296.网络祭扫服务 online tomb-sweeping services 297.卫生系统 health system 298.无本地新增病例 to report no domestic cases; to report zero local cases; to record no locally transmitted infections 299.心理创伤 psychological trauma 300.休舱 to close temporary treatment centers; to cease/wind up operations 301.严格遵守祭扫预约规定 to strictly follow scheduling arrangements for tomb-sweeping 302.野味 bushmeat; game 303.以武汉市为主战场的全国本土疫情传播已基本阻断 The domestic coronavirus outbreak, and to execute orders 73.减少外出 to make fewer trips outside 74.健康筛查 health screening 75.健康申报表 health declaration form 76.接触者追踪 contact tracing 77.解除医学观察 to be discharged from medical observation 78.禁止密集聚会 ban mass gatherings 79.举国机制 nationwide mechanism 80.开足马力(满负荷生产) to go full steam ahead; to operate at full capacity 81.控制传染源、切断传播途径 to control the sources of infection and cut off the channels of transmission 82.控制人口流动 to curb population flow 83.两周观察期 two-week observation period 84.旅行限制 travel restrictions 85.密切跟踪、及时分析、迅速行动 to closely monitor and swiftly respond to the epidemic on the basis of well-informed analysis 86.内防扩散、外防输出 to prevent the coronavirus from spreading within the city/region or beyond 87.启动重大突发公共卫生事件一级响应 to activate first-level public health emergency response 88.强化公共卫生法治保障 to strengthen the legal framework of public health 89.勤洗手/仔细洗手 to wash your hands often/carefull 90.取消大型集会 to cancel mass gatherings 91.群防群控 to strengthen society-wide efforts to contain the epidemic 92.入户检测 door-to-door testing 93.入境航班将分流至指定机场 to redirect inbound flights to designated airports 94.入境口岸 port of entry 95.入境人员闭环管理 to ensure a seamless and hermetic process for managing the quarantine and monitoring of travelers arriving in China 96.社区疫情防控 community-based epidemic prevention and control 97.实行封闭式管控 to exercise management by sealing off entities 98.适时下调响应级别并实行动态调整 to downgrade the emergency response level in due course and make dynamic adjustments 99.室内空气流通 indoor ventilation 100.提高救治水平 to improve the quality of medical treatment 101.提高收治率和治愈率、降低感染率和病亡率 to improve the admission and cure rates and reduce the infection and fatality rates 102.调减市内公交 to reduce the frequency of bus services in the city 103.调整应急响应等级 to adjust the emergency response level 104.停运长途汽车 to halt long-distance buses 105.统筹安排轮休 to better schedule rotating shifts 106.统一的应急物资保障体系 unified emergency supply system 107.突出重点、统筹兼顾、分类指导、分区施策 to focus on key issues,(援助伊朗。
While mountains and rivers separate us, transparent and responsible manner 60.构筑群防群治的严密防线 to build stringent lines of defense across society 61.关闭景点 to close scenic spots 62.广泛普及疫情防控知识 to disseminate information on epidemic prevention and control 63.规范和完善信息发布机制 to standardize and improve the information release mechanism 64.国家公共卫生应急管理体系 national public health emergency management system 65.国家生物安全风险防控和治理体系建设 to develop a national biosecurity risk control and management system 66.国家疫苗储备制度 national vaccine reserve system 67.国务院联防联控机制 Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council 68.缓解用工荒 to address labor shortage 69.机场处置专区 processing area for inbound passengers at the airport 70.及时回应社会关切 to provide timely responses to public concerns 71.集中患者、集中专家、集中资源、集中救治 to treat the infected in dedicated facilities by medical specialists from all over the country and with all necessary resources 72.加强领导能力、应对能力、组织动员能力、贯彻执行能力 to strengthen the ability to lead, Medical workers are symbols of brightness and hope, transparent。
systematic and effective 583.以电话、信函、声明等方式表示慰问和支持 to express sympathy and support by telephone, We will not proclaim success until we have secured the final victory over COVID-19. 3.沧海横流, with the exception of Wuhan City,西树几春秋,供业界及相关人员参考使用, legal,强调生命重于泰山, diagnosis, and apply targeted policies to different areas 108.推进疫情防控的好经验好做法 to promote best practices in prevention and control from across the country 109.外地滞留在鄂人员安全有序返乡 People stranded in Hubei return home in a safe and orderly manner. 110.外防输入、内防反弹 to prevent the coronavirus from re-entering the country to cause a new epidemic 111.外防输入、内防扩散 to prevent the coronavirus from entering and spreading within the city/region 112.网格化管理 digital management for a matrix of urban communities 113.卫生检疫 health and quarantine 114.污染集中处理 centralized treatment of medical waste 115.污水处理 sewage disposal 116.消毒 disinfection 117.消费扶贫 poverty alleviation by consuming products and services from poor areas 118.延迟开学 to postpone the reopening of schools 119.延长春节假期 to extend the Chinese New Year holiday 120.严控境外疫情输入 strict control of imported infection 121.药品集中采购 centralized procurement of drugs 122.医防结合 Emphasis is needed on both prevention and treatment. 123.医疗废物处置能力 medical waste disposal capacity 124.医疗废物日产日清 to ensure that medical waste is treated within 24 hours 125.医疗垃圾处理 medical waste disposal 126.医务人员科学防护和培训 scientific prevention and proper training for medical workers 127.医学排查 medical screening 128.医学巡查 medical inspection 129.疫情防控 epidemic prevention and control 130.疫情防控国家重点医疗物资保障调度平台 national distribution center for major anti-epidemic medical supplies 131.疫情防控预警预测机制 early warning and forecasting mechanism for epidemic prevention and control 132.疫情监测 epidemic monitoring 133.疫情信息发布依法做到公开、透明、及时、准确 The release of epidemic information must be open,形成600条抗击新冠肺炎疫情汉英对照词汇, treatment,按理念举措,。
源自新罗旅唐学者崔致远) G reat distance cannot separate us; We all live in a united world. 590.尼莲正东流,共担风雨, centered in the city of Wuhan,源自古罗马则学家塞涅卡) We are waves of the same sea, and creating more jobs 185.减免企业社会保险费 to reduce or remit corporate social insurance premiums 186.减免小微企业贷款利息 to cut or cancel interest rates on loans to small and micro businesses 187.减免养老、失业以及工伤这三项社会保险单位的缴费 to reduce or remit required premiums to be paid by employers for their employees’ old-age,防控就是责任,人无异国,与子同裳。
是最美的天使,专有词汇,(援助比利时, character and efficiency in fighting against the epidemic. 法规条例 24.《新冠肺炎疫情心理疏导工作方案》 Work Plan on Psychological Counseling for People Affected by COVID-19 25.《新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎诊疗方案》 Diagnosis and Treatment Protocol for COVID-19 26.《中华人民共和国传染病防治法》 Law of the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases 27.国际卫生条例 International Health Regulations (IHR) 28.生物安全法 biosecurity law 具体措施 29.(公共场所)消毒、通风以及体温检测 disinfection, fight it till it perishes. 20.疫情可防、可控、可治 an epidemic that can be prevented, leaves of the same tree, my armors thine. 592.青山一道, The epidemic calls us to action, rigorous and thorough measures 559.打好新冠肺炎疫情防控全球阻击战 to fight an all-out global war against COVID-19 560.打造人类卫生健康共同体 to build a global community of health 561.对中国人民生命安全和身体健康负责, and contribute to safeguarding global public health 562.分享病毒基因序列 to share the genetic sequence of the virus 563.负责任大国 a responsible major country 564.各国应该联手加大宏观政策对冲力度,方显英雄本色, Saving lives is of paramount importance. 15.闻令即动、勇挑重担 to respond promptly when called upon and assume great responsibilities 16.武汉胜则湖北胜, a prominent Chinese expert in respiratory diseases (and a hero of the 2003 fight against SARS) 533.最美逆行者 heroes who put themselves in harm’s way 场所名称 534.半污染区 partially contaminated area; semi-contaminated area 535.病人专用通道 entrance/corridor for patients 536.定点医院 designated hospitals 537.发热门诊 fever clinic 538.方舱医院 temporary treatment centers; Fangcang shelter hospitals 539.负压房间 negative pressure room 540.感染控制、检验、特诊、放射诊断科室 infection control, Fear not the want of armor, isolation and treatment 143.增强收治能力 to raise the hospital admission capacity 144.掌握情况, Virus knows no borders, 目 录 一、理念举措 理念信心 法规条例 具体措施 二、社会民生 社会治理 百姓生活 三、医学词汇 疾病/病毒名称 传播途径、方式 医疗救治 医疗科研 病理症状 器具名称 药品名称 其他医学词汇 四、专有词汇 机构名称 职业群体 场所名称 五、合作抗疫 国际合作 国际援助 一、理念举措 理念信心 1.白衣执甲、逆行出征 Heedless of their own safety,不漏一人 to have full knowledge of the situation (of the community) and leave no one unchecked 145.重大疫情防控体制机制 mechanism for major epidemic prevention and control 146.重点防控部位人员的物资保障 to make sure that essential supplies can be rapidly directed to personnel in key posts 147.注意下水道的通畅 to ensure that sewers are not clogged 148.自觉接受医学观察 to present yourself to medical observation 149.自我隔离 to self-quarantine 150.做好返程人员疫情防控 to take measures to help returnees from infected regions in order to prevent any possible spread of the coronavirus 151.做好工伤认定和待遇保障 (to streamline/implement procedures) to identify and facilitate compensation for work-related infections 152.做好重点地区疫情防控 strengthen epidemic prevention and control in key regions 二、社会民生 社会治理 153.把被抑制、被冻结的消费释放出来 to stimulate consumption stifled by the outbreak 154.保持基本民生服务不断档 to ensure the availability of basic public services 155.保障全国生活必需品市场总体稳定 to maintain an overall balance in the market for daily necessities 156.财政贴息 government interest subsidies 157.产销对接 to coordinate production and sales 158.出行轨迹 travel records 159.春耕备耕 spring farming and preparation 160.春季农业生产 spring-season agricultural activities 161.春节返乡高峰 Spring Festival travel rush 162.错峰上下班 staggered rush hour plan 163.打击假冒伪劣 to crack down on fake and shoddy products 164.打通人流、物流堵点 to smooth travel and logistics channels 165.“点对点、一站式”直达运输服务 point-to-point transport services 166.多渠道灵活就业 flexible employment through multiple channels 167.多种方式扩大产能和增加产量 to expand capacity and increase output in a variety of ways 168.返岗证明 health certificate for returning to work 169.放开货运物流限制 to lift cargo transport bans 170.分餐制 serving of individual dishes 171.封城 A city in/under lockdown. 或A city goes into lockdown. 172.扶贫龙头企业、扶贫车间 enterprises and workshops that employ local workers and play a major role in poverty alleviation 173.服务消费 consumption of services 174.复工人员专列 special train for returning workers 175.高度重视公共利益 serious concern for the public good 176.高校学生毕业、招聘、考录 graduation and job placement of college students 177.个人行程证明 proof of travel; travel records 178.公筷公勺 serving chopsticks and spoons 179.共享员工 employee sharing 180.候餐区 waiting area 181.缓缴税款 deferment of taxes 182.恢复生产生活秩序 to resume work and normal life 183.激发正能量 to evoke positivity 184.减负、稳岗、扩就业并举 to take multi-pronged measures。
与子同海, tracing and screening 375.智慧医疗 smart medical care 376.中西医结合/中西医并用 combined use of TCM and Western medicine 377.中医治疗 TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) therapy 医疗科研 378.病毒分离 virus isolation 379.动物试验 animal testing 380.毒性试验 toxicity testing 381.基因结构 genetic structure 382.基因序列 genetic sequence 383.加强病毒溯源和传播机理研究 to strengthen research on the origin and transmission mechanism of the virus 384.临床前研究 preclinical research 385.临床试验 clinical trials 386.新型冠状病毒成功分离 successful isolation of a novel coronavirus 387.疫苗 vaccine 388.疫苗临床试验和上市使用 clinical trial and application of vaccines 389.药品和疫苗研发 drug and vaccine development 390.有效性和安全性研究 safety and efficacy studies 病理症状 391.并发症状 complications 392.病毒变异 virus variation 393.病毒突变 virus mutation 394.病理 pathology 395.病原体 pathogen 396.初发症状 incipient symptoms 397.低氧血症 hypoxemia; low blood oxygen 398.恶心想吐 nausea 399.发热 fever 400.乏力 fatigue 401.肺脓肿 lung abscess 402.腹泻 diarrhea 403.感染性休克 septic shock 404.干咳 dry cough 405.呼吸急促(气促) shortness of breath; panting 406.呼吸困难 dyspnea; respiratory distress; breathing difficulties 407.临床表现 clinical picture 408.临床症状 clinical signs and symptoms 409.上呼吸道感染 upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) 410.双肺浸润性病灶 infiltration in both lungs 411.头疼 headache 412.纤维化 fibrosis 413.心慌 palpitations 414.胸闷 chest distress; chest oppression 415.致病机理 pathogenesis 器具名称 416.N95口罩 N95 mask/respirator 417.防护服 protective suit 418.防雾霾口罩 anti-smog mask 419.负压救护车 negative pressure ambulance 420.含酒精的消毒液 alcohol-based disinfectant 421.含酒精洗手液 alcohol-based hand rub/sanitizer 422.红外体温测量仪 infrared thermometer 423.呼吸机 ventilator; respirator 424.护目镜 goggles 425.抗菌洗手液 antibiotic hand sanitizer 426.可重复使用口罩 reusable mask 427.口罩 facemask; mask 428.氢氧呼吸机 oxy-hydrogen breathing machine 429.试剂盒 test kit 430.体温检测热像仪 thermal imaging camera for temperature monitoring 431.消毒湿巾 disinfectant/antiseptic wipes 432.消毒液 disinfectant; antiseptic solution 433.一次性手套 disposable gloves 434.医用外科口罩 surgical mask 435.诊断器具 diagnostic tool 药品名称 436.法匹拉韦 favipiravir 437.抗病毒药 antiviral drug 438.可利霉素 carrimycin 439.磷酸氯喹 chloroquine phosphate 440.瑞德西韦 remdesivir 441.特效药 specific medicine 442.退烧药 febrifuge; antipyretic 443.托珠单抗 tocilizumab 其他医学词汇 444.CT影像 computed tomography imaging 445.病毒的蔓延 spread of a virus 446.病死率(致死率) case fatality rate; death rate 447.出院 to be discharged from hospital 448.传染性 transmissibility; infectivity 449.创伤后应激障碍 post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) 450.刺突蛋白 spike protein 451.大流行病 pandemic 452.动物源性病毒 zoonotic virus 453.二代病例 second-generation cases 454.发病 morbidity 455.发病率 incidence rate 456.发热病人 patients with fever; febrile patients; fever patients 457.呼吸道 respiratory tract 458.呼吸器官 respiratory organs 459.基础性疾病 underlying medical conditions 460.甲类传染病 Category A infectious diseases 461.假阴性 false negative 462.境外输入关联病例 cases resulting from virus carriers traveling from abroad; patients infected by virus carriers traveling from abroad 463.聚集性疫情 outbreak in clusters 464.抗体 antibody 465.临床数据 clinical data 466.临床诊断病例 clinically diagnosed cases 467.流行病学 epidemiology 468.流行病学史 historical epidemiology 469.流行病学调查(流调) epidemiological investigation 470.密切接触者 close contact 471.磨玻璃影 ground-glass opacities 472.轻症患者 patients with mild symptoms 473.确诊病例 confirmed cases 474.散在病例/散发病例 sporadic cases 475.神经系统 nervous system 476.肾功能 renal function 477.试剂 reagent 478.收治率 patient admission rate 479.输入性病例: 境外输入病例 infected arrivals from abroad; 来自国内其他城市或省份的输入病例 cases from other cities or provinces 480.死亡率 mortality rate 481.特定传染病 specific infectious disease 482.特异性抗体 specific antibody 483.体外膜肺氧合 ECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation) 484.同情用药 compassionate use of a drug (to use a drug not yet approved under the compassionate use program) 485.无症状感染者 asymptomatic cases/infections; asymptomatic carriers 486.消化系统 digestive system 487.新冠病毒检测为阳性/阴性 to test positive/negative for the coronavirus 488.宿主 host 489.疑似病例 suspected cases 490.乙类传染病 Category B infectious diseases 491.易感人群 susceptible/vulnerable population 492.疫情 epidemic; outbreak 493.治愈率 recovery rate 494.致病性 pathogenicity 495.致病源 pathogen 496.中间宿主 intermediate host 497.重大动物疫病 major infectious animal diseases 498.重症 severe cases 499.重症患者 patients in severe or critical condition 500.住院 to be hospitalized/be admitted to hospital 501.转院 to transfer to another hospital 502.综合性非药物性干预措施 comprehensive non-pharmaceutical interventions 四、专有词汇 机构名称 503.感染控制和流行病学专业人员协会 Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) 504.冠状病毒工作组 Coronavirus Study Group (CSG) 505.国际病毒分类委员会 International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) 506.国家市场监管总局 State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) 507.国家卫生健康委员会(国家卫健委) National Health Commission (NHC) 508.国家药品监督管理局 National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) 509.国家医疗保障局(国家医保局) National Healthcare Security Administration (NHSA) 510.国家中医药管理局 National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine (NATCM) 511.吉利德科学公司 Gilead Sciences 512.疾病预防控制机构 disease prevention and control institutions 513.全球防范监测委员会 Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB) 514.生态环境部应急办 Emergency Management Office of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment 515.世界卫生组织(世卫组织) World Health Organization (WHO) 516.世卫组织驻华代表处 WHO China Representative Office 517.卫生机构 health institution 518.武汉病毒所 Wuhan Institute of Virology 519.医疗机构 medical institution 520.中国红十字会 Red Cross Society of China 521.中国红十字基金会 Chinese Red Cross Foundation (CRCF) 522.中国疾病预防控制中心(中国疾控中心) Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC) 523.中国人民解放军军事医学科学院 Academy of Military Medical Sciences 524.中央应对新型冠状病毒感染肺炎疫情工作领导小组(中央应对疫情工作领导小组) Leading Group for COVID-19 Prevention and Control under the CPC Central Committee (Central Leading Group for COVID-19 Prevention and Control) 职业群体 525.逆行者 people who brave a dangerous situation 526.新时代最可爱的人 the most admirable people in the new era 527.一线医护人员 frontline health workers 528.医疗从业者 medical practitioner; health professional 529.医疗人员 medical personnel/workers; health workforce; health workers 530.医务工作者是光明的使者、希望的使者。
向所有国家开放 to set up an online COVID-19 knowledge center that is open to all countries 570.健康丝绸之路 Silk Road of Health 571.尽力阻止疫情跨境传播 to prevent the epidemic from spreading across borders; to minimize cross-border spread 572.开展国际联防联控 to make a collective response for control and treatment at the international level 573.控制疫情永远不会太晚 It is never too late to get the pandemic under control. 574.凝聚起战胜疫情的强大合力 to form strong synergies to beat the pandemic 575.派出医疗小组协助抗疫 to send medical teams to help combat the coronavirus 576.区域公共卫生应急联络机制 regional emergency liaison mechanisms 577.全球公共卫生安全 global public health security 578.全球公共卫生高级别会议 high-level meeting on international public health security 579.全球公共卫生治理 global public health governance 580.深化疫情防控国际合作 deeper international cooperation on epidemic prevention and control/containment measures 581.守望相助、同舟共济 to support each other; to stand closely together in difficult times 582.推广全面系统有效的防控指南 to promote control and treatment protocols that are comprehensive, flowers of the same garden. 595.投我以木桃,内需空间广阔, medical workers headed for the frontline against the virus. 2.不获全胜决不轻言成功, You throw a peach to me, special service and radiodiagnosis departments 541.隔离病房 isolation ward 542.火神山医院 Huoshenshan Hospital (in Wuhan) 543.检疫区 quarantine area 544.检疫所 quarantine office 545.雷神山医院 Leishenshan Hospital (in Wuhan) 546.临时医院 improvised hospital 547.普通病区 general ward 548.清洁区 clean area 549.污染区 contaminated area 550.药店 pharmacy; drugstore 551.医护人员专用通道 entrance/corridor for medical staff 552.疫区 affected area 553.应急医院 improvised hospital 554.重症病区 special ward (for patients with severe conditions) 555.重症监护病房/重症监护病区 intensive care unit (ICU) 五、合作抗疫 国际合作 556.(向其他国家)提供抗疫物资 to offer supplies in support of the fight against the pandemic 557.避免使某个国家或特定群体蒙受污名 to avoid stigmatizing a country or particular group 558.采取最全面、最严格、最彻底的防控举措 to take the most comprehensive, combined use of anti-viral,源自雨果) United we shall overcome. 597.团结就是力量, broad space for domestic demand, enterprises and people 250.用足用好合规的外贸政策工具 to make full and best use of foreign trade policy tools 251.优惠帮扶举措 preferential support measures 252.优先通行、免费通行 priority and toll-free access 253.优先吸纳贫困劳动力务工就业 to prioritize the employment of poor migrant workers 254.有序复工 to resume production in an orderly manner 255.预算内投资结构 structure of investment from the government budget 256.预约进站 to make reservations at subway stations 257.员工健康监测和报告 employee health monitoring and reporting 258.援企、稳岗、扩就业 to assist businesses,若为落木。
也是在为世界公共卫生事业作贡献 to act responsibly in protecting the safety and health of its people, to maintain the water and electrolyte balance,(援助印度,搜集梳理国内外关注度较高的疫情相关词汇, (援助法国。
the most beautiful angels and real heroes. 531.战胜疫情的中坚力量 core forces in victory over the epidemic 532.钟南山 Zhong Nanshan, Countries need to leverage and coordinate their macro policies to counteract the negative impact. 565.呼吁采取紧急的、积极的行动 to call for urgent and aggressive action 566.及时同国际社会分享信息 timely sharing of information with the international community 567.加强国家间政策协调 to enhance policy coordination between countries 568.减免关税、取消壁垒、畅通贸易 to cut tariffs, having been created of one essence. 600.疫情无国界, and create more jobs 259.远程办公 telecommuting 260.云办公软件 cloud-based office tools 261.云选会 cloud job fair 262.在全社会弘扬真善美 to promote high moral standards throughout society 263.在线教育 online education 264.在线直播 live streaming 265.中国经济韧性强劲, Major scientific and technological achievements in the fields of life safety and biosecurity are of vital importance to our country. 14.生命重于泰山, keeping the payroll stable,防控就是责任,(援助韩国, This is a crisis and also a test. 23.中国力量、中国精神、中国效率 China has demonstrated strength, mobilize,要坚决打赢疫情防控阻击战, letter or statement 584.迎难而上,医学词汇, I give you a white jade for friendship. 或You toss me a peach。
we enjoy the same moonlight under the same sky. 或Miles apart but close at heart. 594.身若伏波, remove barriers,第一是抗病毒;第二是抗休克;第三是抗低氧血症;第四是抗继发感染, Public health security is a common challenge for humanity. 6.坚持全国一盘棋 to ensure a coordinated national response 7.坚定信心、同舟共济、科学防治、精准施策 to strengthen confidence and solidarity and take science-based and targeted measures 8.坚决打赢疫情防控的人民战争、总体战、阻击战 be determined to fight and win the battle against the epidemic by mobilizing all resources, and supply of agricultural products 212.取餐区 serving area 213.日常基本生活物资 daily necessities 214.社保延缴 (to allow) deferred social security contributions 215.社区批发计划 community wholesale program 216.生活必需品 necessities of life; daily necessities 217.实物消费 consumption of products 218.使用存量资金 to tap into unallocated funds 219.适应公众获取信息渠道的变化 to meet people’s evolving ways of acquiring information 220.数字化健康证明 digital health certificate 221.送货机器人 (self-driving) delivery robot 222.特殊报销政策 special reimbursement rules 223.提供专项信贷额度 to provide special credit lines 224.提升网上传播能力 to strengthen online communication 225.停止接待群体性聚餐 Group meals are not allowed. 226.统筹推进疫情防控和脱贫攻坚 to coordinate epidemic control with poverty alleviation 227.统筹疫情防控和经济社会发展 to coordinate epidemic prevention and control with economic and social development 228.统筹疫情防控与经济社会秩序恢复 to implement epidemic prevention and control measures in parallel with those aimed at getting the economy and society back to normal 229.推出更多外汇便利化业务 to offer more services to facilitate foreign exchange transactions 230.推广分时段就餐 to allow consumers to dine at staggered times 231.拓宽就地就近就业渠道 to create more jobs locally 232.外卖服务 takeout services 233.网上就业服务 online recruitment services 234.网上面试 online interview 235.网上签约 to sign an employment contract online 236.为防疫重点地区单列信贷规模 to set aside credit for key regions in epidemic prevention and control 237.无接触电梯按钮 virtual elevator buttons 238.无接触销售 non-physical-contact sales service 239.无人机 drone 240.武汉“解封” to lift the lockdown in Wuhan 241.武汉市以外地区解除离鄂通道管控 Areas in Hubei, including reducing corporate burdens, strengthen coordination, anti-shock。
I give you a white jade in return. 596.团结定能胜利, and a solid industrial foundation. 266.昼夜不停的施工进度 around-the-clock construction 267.助农 to support farmers and agriculture 百姓生活 268.哀悼抗击肺炎疫情牺牲烈士和逝世同胞 to mourn martyrs who died in the fight against COVID-19 and compatriots who died of the disease 269.蝙蝠 bat 270.低、中、高风险地区 low-,疫情就是命令,(援助意大利, unemployment and work-related injury insurances 188.简化通关手续 to simplify procedures for customs clearance 189.建立健全防止返贫机制 to establish a sound mechanism to prevent any return to poverty/prevent any relapse into poverty 190.健康码 health code 191.健康申报 declaration of health status 192.将疫情对经济社会发展的影响降到最低 to minimize the impact of the epidemic on social and economic development 193.阶段性、有针对性的减税降费政策 phased and targeted tax and fee breaks 194.结账区 cashier desk 195.解决好贫困地区农畜产品卖难问题 to help farmers in poor areas solve difficulties in selling their produce and livestock 196.解决好生活必需品供应的“最后一公里”问题 to ensure the “last kilometer” delivery of daily necessities 197.紧平衡 in tight balance 198.禁止面对面就餐 Diners are not allowed to sit face to face. 199.精准对接劳务输出地和输入地 to accurately connect both ends of labor transfer 200.就业优先政策 pro-employment policies 201.居家办公 to work from home 202.客座率 passenger load factor (PLF) 203.口罩预约 mask reservation and purchase 204.扩大地方政府专项债券发行规模 to scale up the issuance of special bonds by local governments 205.两年户口和档案托管 Universities will keep residential files and personal records of new graduates for two years until they find work. 206.灵活复工 to apply a flexible approach to the resumption of work 207.绿码 green (health) code 208.绿色通道 green channel; fast transport channel 209.“米袋子”省长责任制和“菜篮子”市长负责制 systems of holding provincial governors accountable for grain supplies and city mayors for daily food supplies 210.慕课 MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) 211.农副产品生产、流通、供应 production,与子同枝, clinical laboratory, lifted outbound transport restrictions. 242.务工人员安全返岗 Migrant workers return to their posts in security. 243.线上登记失业和申领失业保险金 online registration of unemployment and application for unemployment security insurance 244.线上职业技能培训 online vocational training 245.消毒机器人 disinfecting robot 246.严厉打击涉疫违法犯罪 to take firm action against epidemic-related crimes 247.一客一用一消毒 disinfection after each serving 248.一米线 one meter spacing in line (to wait in line at an interval of 1 meter) 249.因地因企因人分类帮扶 to provide assistance specifically designed to suit different regions,勇敢应对 to rise up to the challenge and respond to it bravely 585.有效阻止疫情在全球蔓延 to contain the global spread of the virus 586.有序安全的国际人员流动 orderly and safe flow of people between countries 587.暂缓或减少留学人员等双向流动 to postpone or reduce the two-way flow of overseas students 588.中国-世卫组织联合考察专家组 China-WHO Joint Mission on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) 国际援助 589.道不远人,习近平总书记多次对疫情防控工作作出重要指示,是真正的英雄, Hubei wins. If Hubei wins。
and facilitate the flow of trade 569.建立新冠肺炎疫情防控网上知识中心,风月同天,党中央高度重视。
reporting, has been contained in China/is now effectively under control in China. 304.疫情防控工作到了关键阶段 The battle against the epidemic has arrived at a crucial moment. 305.疫情防控重点地区 key regions in epidemic prevention and control 306.疫情峰值 epidemic peak 307.疫情高发区 severely-hit regions (areas); areas (regions) with high infection rates 308.疫情重灾区 epicenter of the outbreak 309.英雄的城市 heroic city 310.有害垃圾 hazardous waste 311.“钻石公主”号邮轮 Diamond Princess cruise ship 312.竹鼠 bamboo rat 三、医学词汇 疾病/病毒名称 313.L型冠状病毒 L-type coronavirus 314.S型冠状病毒 S-type coronavirus 315.病毒性肺炎 viral pneumonia 316.不明原因肺炎 pneumonia of unknown etiology/cause 317.肺炎 pneumonia 318.高血压 hypertension; high blood pressure 319.高致病性禽流感 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) 320.冠状病毒 coronavirus 321.呼吸道疾病(呼吸系统疾病) respiratory diseases 322.急性呼吸窘迫综合征 acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) 323.甲型H1N1流感 2009 H1N1 flu 324.结膜炎 conjunctivitis; pink eye 325.流感 influenza; flu 326.糖尿病 diabetes; diabetes mellitus 327.心血管病 cardiovascular disease 328.新型冠状病毒肺炎 COVID-19 329.宿疾、慢性病 chronic ailment; chronic disease 330.严重急性呼吸道感染 severe acute respiratory infection (SARI) 331.严重急性呼吸综合征(非典) severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) 332.中东呼吸综合征 Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) 传播途径、方式 333.病毒携带者 virus carrier 334.超级传播者 super spreader 335.超长潜伏期 ultra-long incubation period 336.传播方式 mode of transmission 337.传染途径 route of transmission 338.二级传播(继发性传播) secondary transmission 339.飞沫传播 droplet transmission 340.粪口传播 fecal-oral transmission 341.行走的传染源 mobile source of infection 342.交叉感染 cross infection 343.接触传播 contact transmission 344.气溶胶传播 aerosol transmission 345.潜伏期 incubation; latent period 346.人传人 person-to-person/human-to-human transmission 347.外源性感染 exogenous infection 348.无症状的潜伏期 silent/asymptomatic incubation period 349.无症状携带者 asymptomatic carrier 350.医院/院内感染 nosocomial infection; hospital-acquired infection 351.隐性感染 covert/silent/inapparent/subclinical infection 352.职业暴露 occupational exposure 医疗救治 353.IgM抗体检测 IgM antibody test 354.隔空诊疗 online diagnosis and treatment 355.隔离治疗 to receive treatment in isolation 356.核酸检测 nucleic acid testing (NAT) 357.恢复期血浆治疗 convalescent plasma therapy 358.监测体温 to monitor body temperature 359.检测样本 test sample 360.紧急救治 emergency treatment 361.抗病毒治疗 antiviral therapy 362.抗生素治疗 antibiotic therapy 363.数字医疗服务 digital medical services 364.四抗二平衡: “四抗”, and measures to prevent secondary infections “二平衡”, 中国翻译研究院重点翻译任务统筹工作机制及时响应,人间有真情, timely and accurate as prescribed by the law. 134.应收尽收 All suspected and confirmed patients should be admitted to the hospital. 135.应治尽治 All confirmed patients should be treated. 136.有效地填补供需缺口 to effectively fill the gap between supply and demand 137.预防措施 preventive measures 138.在斗争一线考察识别干部 to put officials to the test on the frontline 139.暂时隔离区域 area for temporary quarantine 140.暂时停止外国人持目前有效来华签证和居留许可证入境 to temporarily suspend the entry into China of foreign nationals holding valid visas or residence permits 141.暂停海外团队旅行 to suspend overseas group tours 142.早发现、早报告、早诊断、早隔离、早治疗 early detection,组织专家翻译并审定英文表达, for mine is also yours to wear. 或Together we stand, 新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情发生以来,源自王昌龄) Great distance cannot separate us; We all live in a united world. 593.山川异域,源自古波斯诗人萨迪) The sons of Adam are limbs of one, controlled and stopped 21.战胜疫情 to prevail over the epidemic; to beat the epidemic; to win the battle against the epidemic 22.这是一次危机,社会民生, ventilation and body temperature monitoring (in public areas) 30.“一人一方案”“一人一团队” a dedicated team and a personalized treatment plan for each patient 31.安全距离 safe distance 32.把问题解决在萌芽之时、成灾之前 to eliminate risks at the source and resolving problems when they first appear 33.把握好防疫管控的度 Moderation is required in epidemic prevention and control. 34.保持社交距离 to enforce/practice social distancing 35.保障医疗防护物资供应 ensure the supply of medical protective equipment 36.避免去人多的地方 to avoid crowds 37.不漏一户、不漏一人 to leave no one unscreened 38.不麻痹、不厌战、不松劲 to remain vigilant and never slacken our efforts 39.差异化精准防控策略 precise and differentiated epidemic control strategies 40.产教融合 to integrate the resources of enterprises with vocational schools and universities 41.产业扶贫 poverty alleviation through business development 42.驰援武汉 to race against the clock to assist Wuhan 43.出入境防疫 epidemic prevention at borders 44.打破传播链 to break the chains of transmission 45.戴口罩 to wear a mask 46.第一入境点 first point of entry 47.杜绝瞒报漏报 to say NO to concealing or underreporting infections 48.对紧要关头当“逃兵”的干部要就地免职 to remove from their posts officials who abandon the frontline at critical moments 49.对抗疫医务人员保护、关心、爱护 to provide full protection and care to medical workers fighting the epidemic 50.对口支援 pairing assistance (a national strategy in China for one province or a major city to provide assistance to a designated region in need of help) 51.遏制疫情蔓延 to contain the outbreak 52.发挥医疗救助资金的兜底保障作用 to make full use of the medical assistance fund to ensure that medical bills (of COVID-19 patients) are paid promptly 53.防控力量向社区下沉 to empower communities to prevent and control the spread of the coronavirus 54.防控资源和力量下沉 to channel both material and human resources down to the community level 55.防止大规模社区传播 to prevent the wide spread of the coronavirus in communities 56.防止信息恐慌 to prevent “infodemic” 57.分区分级精准防控 region-specific,源自玄奘) By the Holy Lotus River Where pure gold flows east. Looking back to the western shore At Buddha’s sacred grove for many thousands of autumns. 591.岂曰无衣。
即维持水电解质、酸碱平衡以及维持微生态平衡,也是一次大考,源自其民族格言) Unity is strength. 598.向其他出现疫情扩散的国家和地区提供力所能及的援助 to provide assistance within our capacity to other countries and regions affected by the pandemic 599.亚当子孙皆兄弟, medium-, stabilize employment, the whole country wins. 17.向疫情全面宣战 to declare an all-out war on the epidemic 18.形势积极向好 The situation is witnessing positive changes. 19.疫情就是命令, and blocking the spread of the virus 9. 紧紧扭住城乡社区防控和患者救治两个关键 to focus on stemming the spread at the community level and having all patients cared for 10.尽最大可能控制疫情波及范围 to make every possible effort to curb the spread of the disease 11.科学防治、依法防治、精准防治、深入落实 to implementation of targeted science- and law-based, give sector-specific guidance, acid-base balance and microecological balance 365.随访和复诊 follow-up and subsequent visits 366.体温检测 to take/check body temperature 367.外科处置 surgical treatment 368.心理疏导 psychological counseling 369.修订诊断标准 revision of diagnostic criteria 370.血清诊断 serodiagnosis 371.医学观察 medical watch; medical observation 372.在线问诊 online medical inquiries 373.诊断 diagnosis 374.诊断、治疗、追踪和筛查 diagnosis, True heroes arise in times of hardship. 4.打好武汉保卫战 to win the battle against the coronavirus and protect the city of Wuhan 5.公共卫生安全是人类面临的共同挑战。