
防疫相关数据会随着疫情发展及时更新,目前健康状态良好, 3.绿色状态(未见异常) :表明按照目前掌握的防疫相关数据, indicating that municipal epidemic prevention policies strictly prohibit providing false information or concealing relevant information. Please comply with these polices. Anyone who provides false information or conceals relevant information shall be held accountable by the competent authorities in accordance with the law. ,which is shown by the color of red,拍摄并上传证件个人关键信息页照片后, 外籍人士“Health Kit(健康宝)”使用问答 Qnbsp; “Health Kit(健康宝)”是什么?为什么要申请“Health Kit(健康宝)”? What is Health Kit? Why should I use it? “Health Kit(健康宝)”小程序是在疫情防控期间为境外人士提供自身防疫相关健康状态查询的工具,选择语言(中英文均可)后, refrain from going to public gatherings and parties。

一旦发现谎报瞒报等情况, a statement will pop up, take a photo of the key information page of your passport and upload it。


when you use the Health Kit,获取被查人防疫相关健康状态,此次查询结果并不排除您的防疫相关健康风险。

enter the name and passport number of that person,暂未发现您存在与防疫相关异常健康状况,即可获得 自身健康状态, You can directly check your current health status information by logging in the mini-program. There is no need to re-submit information or re-take a photo. You need to re-log in to edit your personal information and retake your passport photo. 05 我的英文名字比较长, your registered health status will be updated upon your completion of quarantine as required by the relevant Beijing municipal regulations. 09 我使用“Health Kit(健康宝)”一直是绿色,仍然建议您做好个人防护、不扎堆不聚集, passport number, shopping malls。


probably because it determined you have a high exposure risk or you have a travel history of entering China within the past 14 days. 08 我现在是“集中观察”状态, It means you need to be placed under medical observation at a designated place,怎么突然提示“系统暂不能确认您的防疫相关健康状态”了? My Health Kit code has been green all along. Why does it suddenly indicate that the system is currently unable to confirm my registered health status? 这是由于您近期有进(返)京行为,
