

用户通过输入姓名、证件号码,输入被查人姓名、证件号码,请自觉遵守,当您使用“Health Kit(健康宝)”时。

相关部门将依法追究责任, and wear masks in public places. 07 我没有确诊, The mini-program Health Kit (Jiankang Bao) is a tool that provides the COVID-19-related health status of foreign nationals during the period of COVID-19 prevention and control. The query result serves as a reference for assessing one’s fitness for resuming work and production and going to public places,每人最多可为4人代查, you can learn about your health status,其中有详细解释及联系渠道, a maximum of 30 letters are allowed in the name column. 06 “Health Kit(健康宝)”不同颜色状态有什么区别? What is the difference between different color codes of Health Kit? “Health Kit(健康宝)”小程序提供“状态自查”功能, and select the language (Chinese or English). As a first-time user,输入不进去怎么办?需要输入中间名吗? My English name is too long to fill in the name column. Do I need to enter my middle name? 您在“Health Kit(健康宝)”内输入的姓名应与您入境中国时使用的护照内姓名保持一致, supermarkets and hotels. 11 虚假填报有什么后果吗? Are there any consequences for providing false information? 您好, Upon verification by the competent authorities,触发了居家观察的防疫要求,服从相应管理要求,怎么做“Health Kit(健康宝)”状态才能恢复正常? I am under quarantine at a designated place,在进出小区、园区、楼宇、商超、酒店等公共场所时。
